Giving Back
Every 3 months I donate a portion of sales from Bella B’s BARK-ery to small non profit groups that help animals in and out of our community. We are grateful for your purchases as this enables us to spread kindness to those doing amazing work for animals in need as well as community partners who help enrich the lives of people and pets in communities across the country. My life has been touched deeply by choosing to adopt old dogs so I recently made the decision that most, but not all, of Bella B’s donations will be going to rescues that help old dogs. I do that in honor of Tyra and Dorothy and all the future old dogs we will have. Senior dogs have a very hard time getting out of shelters and usually wind up there through no fault of their own. Please consider donating to any of these amazing senior rescues and community partners in any way possible. Remember if you can’t adopt, maybe you can foster, and if you can’t foster maybe you can volunteer and if you can’t volunteer maybe you can donate money, supplies, or your time to help. Everything counts. If you would like to nominate your rescue or pup related nonprofit please contact me through the contact page.
In 2022 I switched to a quarterly donation so each partner will have 3 months with of donations.
Golden Years Dog Sanctuary