Inspired By Dogs
If you know me, you probably know I never wait for new years to set a goal but I did set a few with this year in mind.
No matter how either of us feel about setting a beginning of the year goal, there are a few goals in life I think most dog people can agree on. So this year I’ve pulled together a list of a few that I think even our pups would be proud of – because they inspired them! Although Bella has her own goals too I am sure! If I were to guess Bella’s goals they would be to eat more treats, chase more birds and find more dead fish to roll in at the beach 😂
Dog Inspired Resolutions
1) Take more naps. When did society decide that naps are only for kids? Naps have been shown to have a huge variety of benefits, including boosting mood and memory. I do love a good nap especially on the weekends.
2) Get the zoomies out, regularly. I love to walk! It is one of my favorite things to do. I walk Bella every day, most days we walk 2 times a day and it is always with out my phone. Of course, this isn’t going to be everyone’s favorite way to get out their zoomies, but the point is to move, everyday, in a way that makes you feel great. Now is a great time to think about what you might like doing and make plans to do it. One of the ways I want to get out zoomies this year is more paddle boarding!
3) Jump for joy when you want to. Just like accepting compliments and praise can have big impact on your life, so can letting yourself celebrate or “own” what you’re great at. Bella
4) Accept compliments and praise. This is definitely something I want to work on. I never accept compliments in a gracious way, I always feel like a deer in the headlights. I know I’m not alone. Many people struggle to just say “thanks” when someone is saying nice things about us. However, being able to receive and accept celebration of small wins has big impact, including decreasing stress and helping us all accomplish more. So next time someone says something nice, consider what you dog would do and smile.
5) Live in the moment. Living in the moment is so important. Stressing about what’s happened before and worry about what is coming can help us learn to avoid bad things or fix past mistakes. But our dogs teach us not to live in that place of fear. They learn, like us, how to avoid negative consequences, but healthy dogs don’t skip naps because they’re spinning in worry. One way to live more in the moment is to find time to be unplugged from phones, social media, etc.
6) Love unconditionally. No, this doesn’t mean to love without reason. It does mean to love with your whole heart, toes, head and every cell of your being. And we could all use a bit more of that, right?
7) Sniff everything. Investigation, curiosity and play bring so much to our lives. I know when I ask the question “What else is possible?” I am always able to find more solutions and find the answers to questions I need to know. So start out 2022 with the desire to investigate everything, sniff out new adventures and play to your heart’s content.
I know each of my dogs has taught me so much, each different lessons in their own unique way. They have all inspired me to do different things. Bella being a black dog inspired me to start Bella B’s BARK-ery where I make bright, colorful and fun dog accessories. Tyra, my hospice dog, inspired me to start my photography business and my photography project called Treasured Time where I photograph people and their pets at the end of their lives. Dorothy the 15 year old cockapoo taught me to live in the moment, do more of what I like to do and be bossy about it! I always said if Dorothy were a human she’d be that fun and funky old lady that dyed her hair bright red, rode a motorcycle and smoked cigarettes. 😆
How has your dog inspired you? Tell me in the comments